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Cutivetti Savage

Artist & Educator

"The creative process has always been a form of meditation and

problem solving for me."

Tell us about what you're currently working on.

I am currently working on finalizing previous art commissions, painting, and studying more art history.

Has your work shifted in response to the pandemic? How?

My work has definitely shifted physically in materials, from working with ceramics and clay due to the art studio being closed.  I shifted to more mixed media (paper, wood, and painting), based on what I can find readily available at home and without circulating too much outside. As an "instant gratification tool" to process anxiety and the looming pressures of uncertainty, I've been recording music

How do you think art making can help us confront our "new" reality?

The creative process has always been a form of meditation and problem solving for me.  What I mean by that is, when you create, all of your attention, intentions, and energy are focused on one specific task--the art work you are developing.  In that space and in that moment, I often find appreciation, patience and clarity.  I can then apply that PEACE to the moments I have with my family, or bring greater understanding to what is happening outside. 

Enjoy the moments we have. Stay positive and healthy. Keep creating!!!!

Cutivetti Savage is an artist and educator in Bowling Green, KY. See more of his work here

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