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Tony Zaza


"The role of the creative process is to cast out uniformity, evoke the world of spirit, explore alternative world views."

Describe yourself as a maker/artist/creative 

Like a ship on the open sea, my work confronts new emotional obstacles and becomes a physical adaptation to changes in my wellbeing. When the sea is calm and sunny, I’m working in black and white infrared film, when the seas get turbulent, I go back to drawing. When alone, I paint. It is solitary, so the quarantine is a soothing match and an inspiration to evoke things distant from me. My unfinished portraits represent work in constant transition, just like life.

What are you currently working on?


I am currently working on small 12” x 12” portraits of fictional or historical indigenous peoples from far off lands not fully understood where the tribal circular world is isolated from the pandemic. 

Has your work shifted in response to the pandemic? How?

This current portraiture differs from anything I’ve done before the pandemic. It celebrates surviving cultures.


In your opinion, what role does the creative process play in helping us confront our “new” reality?


The role of the creative process is to cast out uniformity, evoke the world of spirit, explore alternative world views.

I search for new forms, and, a form without feeling is a failure.

See more of Tony's work here

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