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Robert Hoffman

Mixed Media Fiber Artist

"I listen to music as I work because it helps me to focus and block out the world around me. Then, I can concentrate on the world I’ve created."

Describe yourself as a maker/artist/creative 

I am a self-taught, mixed media fiber artist residing in Baltimore, MD. The imagery in my work is influenced by my childhood fascination with birds. My Grandparents were amateur ornithologists and they lived near a quarry surrounded by woods. This gave me the foundation for my concepts and imagery. 

What are you currently working on?


I am continuing to work using my original vision and theories, however, my images are changing. My work is evolving more rapidly during the pandemic, I believe because of my isolation. This isolation has given me the freedom to explore my work more in-depth and analyze my use of texture, color, and line. 

Has your work shifted in response to the pandemic? How?

During the pandemic, my palette has changed from greens and blues to an exploration of a multitude of colors. This is a dramatic and noticeable change for my work. The shapes in my landscapes have morphed from organic to a more geometric look. 


I am a prolific artist and during the pandemic I’ve found myself working even longer hours. I think we’ve all had to find ways to pass the time. 


In your opinion, what role does the creative process play in helping us confront our “new” reality?

The creative process is essential in times like these and can help to relieve emotional pain and encourage a meditative state. The creative process and inspiration are all around us. Music, theater, cinema are all things that help people feel the positive elements in life which have become difficult in this new reality. I listen to music as I work because it helps me to focus and block out the world around me. Then, I can concentrate on the world I’ve created.

See more of Robert's work here.

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