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Jesse Pittrell Queen


"I made a decision in February to devote my life to art once again."

Describe yourself as a maker/artist/creative 

As an artist I am instinctual, energized and humbled.

What are you currently working on?


I'm working on building an online shop to host my prints. 

Has your work shifted in response to the pandemic? How?

It shifted me entirely. I made a decision in February to devote my life to art once again. I began purging my apartment and I began teaching myself how to animate. I actually was teaching myself how to learn all over again. I basically made my home a school. The kitchen was for a specific thing, the living room was for drawing, my bedroom was for both but more of an internal war room of what do I want to learn? When by and how long until ...The pandemic has brought me to a group like Made in Isolation and I received kindness to the point of my safety with mask and the artist. I didn't know there were so many. I received many comments that told me basically I was showing them myself and I wasn't completely aware my art was me.

Months before I was textbook self doubt and unreasonable fears. My art became more personal in my imagery. I was telling the truth better and my allowance of that is making such a difference in my choices and ambitions. The possibilities are extensive to me now. I unlocked a window and a breeze brought freshness to my soul and that's what I've been doing ever since. Plus! The joy of collaborating with a person I met in the group, we make some interestingly connected themes in our work.


In your opinion, what role does the creative process play in helping us confront our “new” reality?

I have many speed bumps with this question. All I can say from what I gather is that we have collectively experienced how to speak about our time in this pandemic which gives us. Something more to say now, “Manifest your own thoughts” (listen to Sinistar Voicez, "Do or Die"). 

5. Any other insight, opinions ... whatever you want to add.

Stop frontin'!

See more of Jesse's work here and here

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